What’s working on LinkedIn in 2017

Betreff: What’s working on LinkedIn in 2017
Von: Gary Jules – gjules@intuitivebrandedclothing.com


Is your phone ringing? Are new clients calling, ready to work with you?

Or, does it seem just a bit too quiet around your office lately?

Here’s a story of how you can turn that around.

Vinny Schell’s phone wasn’t ringing.

When he tried to reach out to potential clients, his efforts were met with silence. He just couldn’t get anyone to pay attention.

Just 4 weeks later…

I’ve increased my connections to 2500! There is no other way I could have made this many quality connections in such a short time. I have started conversions with about 50 of them, and they are good quality prospects. The phone is ringing!
Before? Unanswered emails and phone calls. Those same people who blew me off before are now interested.“

What did Vinny do?

He stopped wasting his time on LinkedIn tactics that don’t work, and started using a practical system for generating quality referrals and leads from LinkedIn. He learned the system in our Masterclass Workshop.

Claim Your Spot Now

The best news is the system can be done in less than 15 minutes a day.

Are you ready for your phone to start ringing again?

Learn the Strategy.

No, this is not some fluffy sales webinar where you’ll get a lot of „ideas“ but not a lot of concrete action steps.

It’s the real deal – a 3 hour workshop where you will get the exact playbook that has generated millions in sales for businesses in pretty much every industry. For people just like you.

Reserve Your Spot Now!

No doubt this is going to fill up quickly, so be sure to Reserve your spot here.

This is information that you’d normally pay thousands for, but this week only, you can sign up at no commitment.

Think about what having a consistent stream of new leads would do for your business.

Isn’t it time to have your prospects calling YOU again?!

Register here, and we’ll see you there!

P.S. There’s some urgency here. The Masterclass for our community is this week only, so reserve your spot while it’s still on your mind!

Join the Next Masterclass

Linked Specialists
549A. Pompton. Ave Suite 363
Cedar Grove NJ, 07009
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