
Nigerian Scam, 419 Scam, Vorschussbetrug, Nigeria Connection

Von: „HMONG DAW“ – info@govlotto.biz

Dear Friend.

I am the above named person, who is now undergoing medical treatment; I was married to late Mr. Vikrom Daw who worked in the United Kingdom for Nine years. We were married for Twenty four years without a child and my late husband Mr. Vikrom Daw died on the 15th March 2008 at a hospital in Central London after a brief illness that lasted for only four Days. I decided not to re-marry or get a Child outside my matrimonial home, because as a good Christian my religion is against it says the Bible and I lived a happy and good Christian life with my late husband. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of USD$450.000.00 Four Hundred and Fifty United States Dollars with one Finance house Presently in Bangkok Thailand. I have been in the hospital for eight months suffering from breast cancer. The 1st surgery has been conducted and I lost one of my breast and still have the pains that makes me crying every day and night looking up to God to save my life.

Recently my Doctor told me that another surgery will be conducted and I may not survive it because, the cancer has grown to bad. Having known my condition, I decided to donate the USD$450.000.00 Four Hundred and Fifty United States Dollars my late husband deposited with a Bank here in Bangkok Thailand to a charity and the less privilege organization through your help. For Example the Orphan, Old people’s home and also to the homeless I took this decision because I don’t have any child that will inherit these Funds. I want you to always pray for me as I h ave no life again says my doctor. It will be my pleasure to receive your sincere response and promise that you will carry out this task as a good Samaritan and to the glory of GOD. I will direct you to my late husband attorney who will help you to secure the necessary legal documents for the USD$450.000.00 Four Hundred and Fifty United States Dollars to be transferred to you and I want you to assure me that you will use this funds judiciously.

I am waiting for your response to my humble request.

Mrs. Hmong Daw.

Email me on: mrsdaw102@hotmail.com

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