Update your Commerzbank account security !



Phishing-Mail, Internetbetrug, Spam-Mails

Von: Commerzbank – suport@commerzbank.com
Betreff: Update your Commerzbank account security !


Because of the increasing money laundry and fraud attempts, Commerzbank developed a security program wich provides a better

handling of sensitive data processed by our central bank server,and it also ensures a better identity verification.

This measure of security strenghtens even more the security of Commerzbank, putting our clients out of the danger of account theft.

By adding this security measure we also comply with new regulations dictated by IBF (International Banks Federation).
We advise all of our customers to register this new security measure, as from 10.05.2011, accounts with regular protection will not be

authorized anymore, and will be blocked until the account holder completes the security form on our site.

To register your account to the new security program, simply click on the link below, and complete the form on our website.

Register my account

ID of secured message : #143592


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