NOTIFICATION DATE:08/06/2012419 – Scam / Vorschussbetrug


Von: Google Incorporation –
Betreff: NOTIFICATION DATE:08/06/2012
Anlage: PDF.Datei


Google Incorporation+.
Belgrave House,
76 Buckingham Palace Road,
London SW1W 9TQ,
United Kingdom


We wish to congratulate you once again on this note, for being part of our lucky
winners selected this year. This promotion was set-up to encourage the active
use of the Google search engine and the Google ancillary services. Hence we do
believe with your winning prize, you will continue to be active and patronage to
this company. Google is now the world leading search engine worldwide, and in
an effort to sure that it remains the most widely used search engine, an online email
balloting was carried out Yesterday without your knowledge, it was
officially released Today. We which to formally announced to you that your email
address was attached to a lump sum o f ?850,000GBP {Eight Hundred And Fifty
Thousand Great British Pounds},

We also wish to inform you that you have successfully passed the requirements,
statutory obligations, verifications and our satisfactory report test conducted for
all our online winners. A winning Cheque will be issued in your name by Google
Promotion Award Team, and also a certificate of prize claims will be sent along
side your winning Cheque.

These are your award details.
Security Code Number: GUK/4532345G.
Ticket No: GUK/699/33/2012
Winning Number: GUK/877/798/2012

Information’s required from you are part of our precautionary measure to avoid
double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program. To claim your won
prize, please contact our Foreign Transfer Manager Dr. Williams Gibson neatly
filling the verification and fund release form below..

(1) Your contact address.
(2) Your Tel/Fax numbers.
(3) Your Nationality/Country.
(4) Your Full Name.
(5) Sex.
(6) Occupation
(7) Age.
(8) Ever won an online lottery?
Mode of Prize Remittance.

(1)Courier Delivery Of your Certified Winning Cheque Name and other Winning
Documents safely to you.

You are advised to contact your Foreign Transfer Manager Dr. Williams Gibson
with his private email details below to avoid unnecessary delay and

Dr. Williams Gibson
Tel No: :+44 (70) 45727889

The Google Promotion Award Team has discovered a huge number of double
claims due to winners informing close friends relatives and third parties about
their winnings and also sharing their identification numbers. As a result of this,
these friends try to claim the lottery on behalf of the real winners. The google
promotion award committee has reached a decision from the headquarters at the
United Kingdom that any double claim discovered by the Lottery Board will result
to the disqualification of the winners lottery. So you are hereby strongly advised
once more to keep your winnings strictly confidential until you claim your prize.
Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of the Google interactive Lottery
Board Commission.

Betrug im Internet

Yours Sincerely,
Larry Page(C.E.O).

Auch wenn es noch so schön gemailt ist und sogar mit Bild unseres „Sincerely“, ist und bleibt es nur ein weiterer Internetbetrug. Alleine dieses Jahr hätte meine E-Mail-Adresse schon das 5x die Google-Verlosung gewonnen. 😉

Hier geht es ganz klar um einen Vorschussbetrug419 Scam, mit dem google nicht das Geringste zu tun hat.

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