

Dear Beneficiary,

I hope that this correspondence is received with the urgency and the expediency required. It has come to the notice of the Board of Trustees at the CBN that your present inheritance claims application being handled by the Remitting Bank in Nigeria is experiencing some man made irregularities.To this effect,it has become necessary for the Board of Trustees to invite trained Fund Transfer / Assets transfer Specialists from the United States to resolve and regularize your fund release with immediate effect and stop all further fund discrepancies.

We at Howard & Associates have been duly consulted by the CBN Board of Trustees and have been fully informed about how the staff of the remitting bank have been taking advantage of you by telling you to pay unnecessary exorbitant charges which will only make your fund payment a long drawn out process. Due to this we have decided to step into the process of your fund transfer to enable your funds to be transferred within the soonest possible time without needing to pay all the huge sums of monies that are being demanded from you by the remitting bank, you are to get back to us immediately .

All processes to have your funds paid to you immediately through the Raiffeisen Bank in Switzerland have been initiated to cut out unnecessary costs.You are advised to keep this communication highly confidential as the CBN Board of Trustees have asked us to resolve this fund payment independent of the office of the CBN Governor to identify the the principal participants in this unethical payment procedure.Furthermore,you are hereby advised to pay no further fees or charges to the Remitting Bank in Nigeria as well as any person or persons, Real or Fictitious, prostates and institutions as they shall no longer be handling your payment process.

We shall await your immediate correspondence with your direct telephone numbers so that we may conclude your payment immediately contact the claim officier through this or

Yours Faithfully,

Mrs Rice Seda.

Howard & Associates c/o CBN.

Statement of confidentiality: „the information in this email and in any attachments contains confidential information and is intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee(s). It may not be disclosed to any person without authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient you are not authorized to and must not disclose, copy, distribute or retain this message or any part of it


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