Re:We can work things out?


Betreff: Re:We can work things out?

Hello Friend,
I hope this proposal meets you in a good state of health. I need your help to transfer and invest US$5,500,000.00 that accumulated as undeclared profit made by our financial institution.

All that is required to get the funds transferred out of here is to put your name on the Non-investment account holding the funds. This practically makes you a Non-Resident customer of our Bank.

I will then guide you on how to apply for Closure of the Account and credit transfer of the funds to your designated bank account. You will get 40% of the funds for your role.

If you get back to me with your physical contact state below, we will consummate the funds transfer within one week.
(1) Your full name:

(2) Your address.

(3) Country:

(4) Age:

(5) Occupation.

(6) Private telephone number:

(7) Sex.
Mr. David Morrison.

Aufrichtig mit den ehrlichsten Grüßen der Scammer von Ihrer Nigeria Connection 😉

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