Re: Password [OMII-5477-IWZE] – von GMX

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Re: Password [OMII-5477-IWZE]

GMX Customer Support
Dear GMX Member,

We’ve updated the password for your GMX account, as you asked us to.

your privacy is important to us. If you feel you have received this message in error, please add us to your contact for further assistance.

So we can better assist you, please include as many details as possible as well as screenshots if applicable.

Tip: If the mailing is in your GMX Spam Folder open the email and click the „Not Spam“ button.

here are some suggestions for troubleshooting.

My password does not work/ I can no longer see my saved password in my browser or email program

If your password does not work or you do not remember it, the fastest way to recover it is using our automated password recovery assistant, which can be found here:
There are several options for recovering your password: your contact email address (please make sure you entered a valid address in your account settings), a text message to your phone, or a password saved in your browser (instructions available for download as PDF).

Depending on which browser you use, you can also view your saved passwords by following the instructions here:

Error message: You’ve entered an invalid email address/ password combination

Please check that you have entered your email address and password correctly. If you have not logged into your account for more than six months, your address may now be invalid due to inactivity. Please contact us if you require further information.

I am experiencing a „temporary error“

If you were able to log in to your account recently, we kindly ask you to wait up to 24 hours before trying again as this may be a temporary issue. If you are still not able to access your account after this time, please reply to this message and provide the exact error message you receive as well as screenshots.

Best regards,
GMX International Support

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