
Nigeria-Scam, Vorschussbetrug, 419 Scam Nigeria Connection

Von: Bin Nasser –
Betreff: PLS, ANSWER


Complement of the day and your beloved family. I apologize for this intrusion and I decided to contact you through email due to the urgency involved in this business. I am Arabian national, working with The Libyan Arab Foreign Bank (LAFB), Tripoli-Libya.

I have a lucrative business proposal of mutual interest to share with you; it involves the transfer of a large sum of money from here in Libya. This is not stolen money and there are no dangers involved. The source of these funds is from a Secret Bank Accounts of Muammar Gaddafi`s youngest son (Saif al-Arab Gaddafi) that was killed by Nato coalition air strike on Sunday 1st May, 2011. This secret account presently dormant an amount of $42 Million United State Dollars, deposited as a family treasury which will be move through a diplomatic row.

I got your reference in my search for someone who suits my proposed business relationship in your country citizen registration chamber. If you are interested in working with me, contact me through my private email; ( for further details.

Your urgent response will be appreciated.

Kind Regards,
Mr. Bin Fadel Nasser (Head of Internal Audit Group and Executive Director)
Libyan Arab Foreign Bank (LAFB)

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