Please reply as soon as possible…….b


Betreff: Please reply as soon as possible…….b
Von: „Mrs.Margaret Bernnet“-

Greeting in the name of God.

How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. May the name of God be praise and worship forever.
I write to you in good faith and hoping that you will understand the importance of my email.
My decision to contact you is because I have been recently diagnosed with Cancer and the
doctor said I have less than 8 weeks to live. Since this sudden news was announced to me,
I have been reflecting over my life in the past. It is painful that after over 24 years of peaceful
marriage with my late husband, we had no child of our own that will inherit our numerous wealth.
In the past, I have made reasonable donations to the victims of Earthquake in Haiti and recently
to the same victims in Japan and Thailand and also support the victim of Boko Haram terrorist in
Northern part of Nigeria, Now that my health is gradually deteriorating, I cannot continue to do all
these by myself any more. I strongly desire to reach out to the poor and needy people, but I would
prefer to continue this with the assistance of a kind person.

I want you to answer the following questions, (1) are you a God fearing person? (2) If I donate
(5,000,000.00 GP) Five Million Great Britain pounds to you, can you be able to utilize it wisely to
achieve my heart desire of supporting poor people around you? (3)Will you open a charity foundation
in the name of I and my husband? Please write me back as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully

Mrs. Margaret Bennett.
Glaubt noch irgendjemand diesen ausgelutschten Scammer Schei..? Innerhalb einer Woche kommen ca. 5 Mails von schwererkrankten Frauen, die noch ganz schnell ihr großes Vermögen unter den Armen verteilen wollen, bevor sie abnippeln. Immerhin war es der letzte Wille ihrer bereits verstorbenen Ehemännern. Bei dieser Scammail soll natürlich alles schnell gehen, damit die nigerianischen Terroristen das Geld nicht bekommen und die sterbenskranke Frau noch zu allem Überfluss nicht mehr länger als 2 Monate zu leben hat. Soll ich etwas nachhelfen? Scammer hauen

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