Please I really need you to stand as my Guardian.


Betreff: Please I really need you to stand as my Guardian.

Please I really need you to stand as my Guardian.
I am Miss Nora Qattara. I am contacting you because i needed your help in the management of a sum of fund that my late father Mr. Johnson Qattara. Left for me before he died.

The fund is deposited in one of the finical house ($8.5 million u.s dollars). I will offer you 25% of the total amount for helping me to transfer the fund into your account. I want you to stand as my guardian and appointed beneficiary and the fund will be transfer into your account in your country. Since i am only 20 years old age and without mother and father.

Please i will like you to reply to this email so that i will tell you all the information details, on how you will help me here is my private email where you will reply me for more information. I am waiting for your urgently reply.Thanks and god bless you and your family.

Your sincerely,
Miss Nora Qattara

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