Please Dear, i need your help.


Betreff: Please Dear, i need your help.
Von: Amina Kones –

Hello My Dear,

I appeal to you to exercise a little patience and read through my letter. I am Amina Kones from Kenya and a girl of 21 years old never married, a first year medical student.With due respect,trust and humanity and with pains, tears and sorrow from my heart, i need your urgent assistance. My Father (Kipkalya Kones) was the former Kenyan road Minister before his death. He and the assistant minister of home affairs were on board when the plane crashed on the Tuesday 10th, June, 2008 which was headed to kericho and crashed in a remote area called kajong’a, in Western Kenya and the plan number was ( Cessna 210 ).
You Can Read More About The Plane Crash:

I am constrained to contact you because of the maltreatment am receiving from my step Mother and Uncle who planned to take away all my father’s treasury and assets from me since the unexpected death of my Father. Fortunately for me, they couldn’t discover where I kept my father’s file. I am now writing you from the office of Rev Father Benjamin here Burkina Faso where I escaped for my dear life under the cover of United Nation High Commssion For Refugee of which Reverend Benjamin OUEDRAOGO is the Camp leader and he allowed me to communicate you through his office computer and to receive call with his office telephone and the number +226 664 473 18. You are free to call me with the phone number, just tell him you want to speak to me. Life in this refugee camp is very hard and unbearable because people here are not friendly.

I have the sum of Five Million Eight Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$5.800.000.00) as an inheritance from my late father which I will like to invest in your country with your help and I cannot be able to make this claim myself because of my refugee status. I have made up my mind to keep a legitimate relationship with you for this long term business relationship and investment assistance in your country. Please, am seeking your humble assistance to uptake and accept the below responsibilities:
1. To stand as my Foreign Partner/Trustee over the transaction.
2. You are to provide any account for the transaction (either empty account or existing account.)
3. After the transaction has been successfully completed, you are obliged to assist me re-locate to your country and locate a good University enable me complete my studies.
4. You will be the one to invest part of the funds pending when i shall complete my education.

You are entitle of financial benefit of 20% of the total fund while the rest of the fund shall be my investment capital in your country under your management and directives because i need to continue my education in your country.

Once i receive your positive reply, I will send you a copy of my photo and my national id card.
Thanks and God bless you as I am looking forward to see your reply.

Please reply me with this email:

Yours Sincerely
Amina Kones


Och Gottsche, das arme Mädel mit seinen blutjungen 21 Jahren – wird in ihrem Land schlecht behandelt und deshalb sucht sie dringend meine Hilfe. Immerhin hat sie von ihrem, bei einem Flugzeugabsturz ums Leben gekommenen, Vater ein beachtliches Vermögen geerbt. Ich soll ihr dabei helfen, das stattliche Erbe nach Deutschland zu bringen und bekomme dann 20%. Allerdings, wenn ich das Geld auf meinem Konto habe, soll ich dem armen Waisenkind helfen, ebenfalls nach Deutschland zu kommen und einen Studienplatz für sie besorgen. Mit anderen Worten…für diese läppischen 20% hab‘ ich sie dann an der Backe kleben. 😉

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