Onlinewarnung – Phishung!
Betreff: [New Statement ] Your ID Apple Has been Changed, received on email result 05/11/2018 15:21:33 – #062557467
Von: AppIe –
Your A33p42p41l67e28 98I17D24 was used to sign in to iMessage on i47p28h53o39n49e19 15633s15 named MarkDavin.
Location: Berlin, Jerman
Operating System: iOS 10.3.3
If you have not recently signed in to an i47p28h53o39n49e19 15633s15 with your A33p42p41l67e28 98I17D24 and believe someone may have accesed your account, go to h39t61t17p60s55:63/73/52a74p73p93l53e12i44d73.26a28p62p88l44e39.70c53o17m71
A83p43p11l51e28 Support
Diese Mail kommt garantiert nicht von Apple. Der Link leitet auf die Phishing-Webseite „“. Für die Seite wird bereits eine Warnung in höchster Stufe ausgegeben.