Need Email Marketing? We can Help!


Betreff: Need Email Marketing? We can Help!
Von: „Alex“ –

Need Email Marketing? We can Help!

We are one of best email marketing companies in Taiwan, we have offices in Japan and Shanghai China.
We can deliver your email ads securely into the inbox of recipients and thereby increase your open rate considerably. That’s because we know how to send valid emails due to our extensive email marketing campaign experience. And we know just how to format your email ad messages in a way that protects them from being marked off as unwanted junk emails that need to be filtered off.

We encourage you to try our email marketing solution service you will get a wonderful chance to reach the type of consumers you need.

We offer High Delivery Rate email blasts using our dedicated bulk email servers.
Our Email Blasts have all the characteristics below:

1. Your email blast campaign will be started in a very short time after you order!
2. You will experience a high delivery rate of your email ads to the subscribers.
3. You will get a higher rate of response and real traffic visits to your website.
4. You Will a get Real-time Stats Control Panel Login for every emailing campaign you order.

Pls contact us for more info and pricing.
Thanks and best regards,


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Ganz klar…ich würde jederzeit einen Auftrag für ein Mail-Mailmarketing an eine unbekannte Firma in Taiwan geben, die per Massen-Spam Kunden sucht..

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