
Betreff: My PHILANTHROPIC Trust!!..
Von: Fffinn –

My dear how are you today,
I know this mail might come to you as a surprise, considering the fact that we don’t know each other, please i must apologize for any embarrassment it may caused you, I got your email ID from your country’s guest book and prayed fervently before I took this courage to write you, My family attorney who could have handled the process of executing my WILL & TESTAMENT to you on my behalf died early this year after an illness.

I am Mrs. Finn Frifeldt Larsen from Denmark, 69 years old, a widow with no child with my late husband who had cardiovascular condition and died of cardiac arrest 7yrs ago, am suffering from protracted cancer of the lung/liver which has also affected part of my brain cells due to its complications.

From all indication, my condition has deteriorated and it is quite obvious according to my doctors that i may not live for the next one and half months unless there is a divine intervention because the cancer has gotten to a critical and life threatening stage.

After Doctor’s announcement I decided to shared my fortunes here among my husband’s relatives, individuals, Charity organizations and i WILLED“ my deposited US$6,371,216 remain inside my ibanking Account with B.C Union limited Uk to you for Charity and Humanitarian cause in your country especially for Cancer patients, Orphanages homes where i was raised and you keep part of the principal amount to support yourself.

I was an orphaned at the age of four and was raised in an orphanage home and I got married to my late husband Engineer Kosele Larsen for Twenty-three years without a child and sequel to the unfortunate and shocking death of my priceless husband, I decided as religious believe not to re-marry again.

We lived in London for 21 years, where my husband a petrochemical Engineer by profession worked and rose through the ranks to become an Executive Director with a multinational construction and oil servicing conglomerate, before his demise. He also established huge private investments that i assisted in managing.

When my cancer ailment became terminal and more deplorable, since i do not have any next of kin to bequeath all that my husband & i labored for in UK, I sold off our properties and other inherited belongings and deposited the proceeds with BC Union limited Uk before i returned back here for medical attention as it became severe.

Recently, The management of my bank (BC Union limited Uk) officially wrote to me in a two paragraph statement to explained over the unserviceable status of my deposited fund’s Account since 2010 which has became Dormant and they threatened that the fund could be confiscated upon my failure to adhere to UK foreign Account regulatory policy within a stipulated time frame.

But when they got my quick respond, they were very apologetic and truly sympathized me over my present critical heath condition which they saw that I cannot Talk, walk or warrant me to move out from hospital and be present at their bank. They advised me to urgently issue a letter of authorization to someone who can manage or claim the deposit quickly on my behalf to come forward for it,so, i assured them that I will delegate my Next of Kin (and that was the reason i contacted you)

Note: It is my last WISH therefore to see that 90% of this fund is invested in any charitable organization of your choice in your country and beyond, administered as you may deem fit, if you wish. Let 10% of the fund could also be expended on logistic support and other sundry arrangements that you may require as soon as the fund gets to you.

I crave your indulgence as someone who cares for the less-privileged as much as i do, to take it upon yourself and use this fund for the above mentioned purposes; I took this painstaking decision in other to help humanity in my little capacity before i rest in peace in heavenly bosom.

According to my physicians my time will soon be up. Please, I need your followings information urgently:

(1) Your full names: =================
(2) Personal or office contact address =================
(3) Home or Office phone#:============Cell phone#:==========Fax#:=====
(4) Your Age: =============== (5) Occupation:=========
(6) Sex/Marital status:================(7) Private E-mail Address: =================
As soon as I receive your response with your above information, I shall use them to Letter of Authorization which I shall send to my bank and copy to you so that they will recognize your status as my next of kin and the Fund new beneficiary.

Please assure me that you will not treat this offer with levity but will rather give my bequest continued existence. Send your above information to my private email:

Awaiting for your quick response while craving your appreciation of my predicament.
Yours sister,

Mrs. Finn Larsen


Wie schön mal wieder einen der „guten, alten“ Scam-Betrug Mails zu bekommen. 😉

Die arme Mrs. Finn Larsen, hat ihren über alles geliebten Ehemann durch einen Herz-Tod verloren. Sie selbst ist natürlich auch unheilbar krank und hat ihrem Ehemann quasi auf seinem Sterbebett versprochen, dass ihr gesamtes Vermögen für wohltätige Zwecke nach beider Tod eingesetzt werden soll.

Ausgerechnet Sie wurden dazu auserkoren der Terstamentsvollstrecker zu sein und dürfen dafür einen guten Teil für sich selbst einbehalten. Bla…Bla…Bla…wer’s glaubt.

Solche Mails löschen, denn sie sind IMMER Betrug. Bevor Sie endlich das angebliche Vermögen unter den „Armen“ verteilen können, werden mit Sicherheit erst einmal einige Vorschusszahlungen von Ihnen fällig. Nach der ersten Geldforderung bemerken Sie zwar den Betrug, aber da haben die Internet-Kriminellen schon Ihre persönliche Daten für weiteren Betrug. Ach, Sie glauben mir nicht?! Probieren Sie es aus! 😉 Wetten, dass Sie ausschließlich über die Western Union zahlen sollen?

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