I am seeking a man


Betrug im WWW, 0190-Abzocke, Nigeria Love-Sscam

Von: kein Absender
Betreff: I am seeking a man

Hello! My name is Olga. I am from Russia. I never got acquainted
through the Internet, so I turned to one of the marriage the agency of
our city. They gave me your e-mail and told me to tell you wrote.
Sorry that I’m disturbing you. The purpose of my acquaintance on the
internet to find not just a friendship, and his love, his second half.

I think we can develop a good relationship in the future will becloser to each other.

Our communication will grow into something
bigger and we will be able to meet with you. Hopefully talking to me
like you, and you will not ignore me. If I you are interested and you
want to know me, I’ll wait for your response to my personal mailbox:
In this letter, I’ll also send you my picture for you to see me.
Also, I too very much want to see you and ask you to send me your
photo! I hope that you will answer me. With best regards, Olga.

Gleicher Sachverhalt wie im obigen Artikel. Auch hier ist ein Bild angehängt.

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