Good Day


Nigeria Connection, nigerian Scammer, WWW-Betrug

Von: Sanchez.(Esq) –
Betreff: Good Day


My sincere apology for this unsolicited letter, I am aware that this is certainly not a conventional way of approach to establish a relationship of trust but you will realize the need for my action. My name is Juan Sanchez,I am a lawyer here in Marbella,Spain.I got your contact information from your country’s public records.

A client of mine died in an auto accident here in Marbella,before her death, she had a deposit to the sum of US$17,500,000:00 (Seventeen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only)with a Finance company. The Finance company has mandated me to present a NEXT OF KIN to make Claims before the fund gets confisticated or be declared as unclaimed and will be forwarded into the government coffers.For these reasons, I decided to contact you,because she did not declare any other person, address, partner or relatives in the official paper she deposited the fund with the Finance House.

I will like you to stand as the next of kin. As her personal Attorney, I will place your name as the next of kin. I will prepare every relevant document legally that will assist your claims and facilitate the release of the fund to you as the new beneficiary.

Note that this transaction is free from any kind of risk,as I have worked out all modalities to complete the transaction successfully. Once the Finance House releases the fund into your account, we shall share in the ratio of 70% for me, 30% for you as your benefit.

Reply via my private email address your contact telephone numbers to enable me call you and give you more details about this transaction. You can also call for further clarifications. Please be kind to get back to me if you are not interested so that I can further my search for another partner.I look forward to your response.

Best Regards,

J.M.Sanchez Esq.

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