Onlinewarnung Phishing
Betreff: check your accont !!
Von: Apple –
Your Apple ID has been locked for security reason.
Dear customer,
We regret to inform that your Apple ID has been locked for security reason.
We need to confirm your identity because we noticed unusual activity in your account.
iniorderitoisafeguardiyouriinformationirequireiyouitoiunlockiyouriAppleiIDitoimakeisure you’reitheiaccountiholderioriyouriaccountiwillibeidisablediini24ihour.
Confirm your identity >
This is an urgent matter that requires your immediate attention to ensure continued availability of your account.
Why are you receiving this email ? We take security very seriously, and we want to inform you of important actions that affect your account.
Thank you very much,
The Apple Accounts Team
Der Link führt auf die Phishing-Webseite „“ und es wird bereits eine Warnung ausgegeben.