Betrug –, If shipping cost is not paid, the package will be returned.



If shipping cost is not paid, the package will be returned.


Dear, If shipping cost is not paid, the package will be returned.


Royal Mail –

Track & Trace

Find package with the Royal Mail App


Your Parcel Number #LZ8942357486EN is on the way.

Your package is stopped at our post. A £ 1.00 shipping cost have not been paid.

If shipping cost is not paid, the package will be returned.

With the free Royal Mail App, you can see the current status of your package and the next step.

Pay Now

Package Information:

Status: Parcel being held at Terminal 2

Parcel number: #LZ8942357486EN

Weight: 0,467 kg

Sending Costs:
Grand Total: 0.00 £
1.00 £
1.00 £

Man wird wieder durch eine Postverfolgung gelotst und bei der letzen Seite „…“ wird eine Warnung ausgegeben.



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