Von: „RICHARDSON John“ – John.RICHARDSON@publicworks.qld.gov.au
Betreff: Contact My Private Email: andrewbailey02@hotmail.co.uk – 419 Scam
Good Day
Although you might be apprehensive about my email as we have not met before, I am Andrew Bailey, I work with Bank Of England as Executive Director for Banking and Chief Cashier, There is the sum of $20,600,000.00 USD in my Bank, There were no beneficiaries stated concerning these funds which means no one would ever come forward to claim it.
That is why I ask that we work together to transfer the funds out of my Bank into your Bank Account or any other account of your choice, I will be pleased to see if you can help me and also be a good and trusted person. Once the funds have been transferred to your Nominated Bank Account we shall then share in the ratio of 60% for me, 40% for you, for more details here is my e-mail address: andrewbailey02@hotmail.co.uk
Andrew Bailey
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Wenn Sie also demnächst hier keine neuen Artikel hier lesen werden, sind wir verhaftet, weil darauf ja nicht verzichtet wird. Die spinnen, die Scammer. 🙂
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